4 ways to know your baby is ready for solids

Introducing solid foods to your baby’s diet is an exciting milestone for both you and your little one. It can also feel daunting, however, especially if you’re unsure of whether your baby is ready to begin their new feeding journey. These signs will help guide you.
It is important that your baby’s digestive tract is mature enough to handle solids – this usually occurs at around 6 months old. However, every baby is different and developmental readiness cannot be determined by age alone. Look out for these four signs that your baby is ready for the introduction of small meals, and if you are unsure, speak to your paediatrician to guide you in making the best choice for you and your baby.
- They can hold their head up steady
A strong neck reduces the risk of choking, so you need to ensure that your baby can hold their head up by themselves when propped in a sitting position. Before you introduce non-pureed food, your baby must be able to sit unaided.
- Your baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex
The tongue-thrust reflex is a natural reflex babies have, which causes them to push out anything that enters their mouth. It is an important reflex to prevent choking on liquids, but it can make it difficult for your baby to eat solids. You can test if they have lost this reflex by mixing a small amount of Squish 100% Fruit or Veggie Puree with a little breastmilk or formula and offering them a taste on the tip of a spoon or on the end of your finger. If your child keeps pushing the food out of their mouth with the tip of their tongue, they are not ready to try solids.
- They show interest in your food
If your little one starts reaching for your food or opening their mouth while you are eating it may be a sign that they are curious and willing to explore new tastes and textures.
- Your baby can coordinate their mouth and hand movements
If your child is reaching out for objects and putting them in their mouth, that is a good sign. This means that they can pick up food with their fingers and bring it to their mouth to eat.
Once you start noticing these signs, your baby may be ready for fruit and veg puree and cereals. Squish 100% Fruit and Veg Purees are specifically made with your baby’s wellbeing in mind and come in a variety of flavours. They are made using only 100% fruit and veg and contain no colourants, flavourants or preservatives. The pouches are super convenient when you are first trying out solids – they are resealable, which means you can just use a small amount while your baby gets used to new tastes and textures, then screw the lid closed and keep it in the fridge for later that day. Plus, the pouches are so easy to pop into your little one’s nappy bag for meals on the go when you are out and about.