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» Juices

100% Apple + Grape Juice With Rooibos Extract
100% Apple + Grape Juice With Rooibos Extract

100% Apple + Grape Juice With Rooibos Extract

Apple Juice
Grape Juice
Rooibos Extract (0.1%)
Lemon Juice
Ascorbic Acid
Average Values
Per 100ml
Per 200ml
Single Serving
179 kJ
358 kJ
<0.1 g
<0.1 g
Glycaemic Carbohydrate
9 g
18 g
of which total sugar
8.9 g
17.8 g
Total Fat
0.7 g
1.4 g
of which saturated fatty acids
0.3 g
0.6 g
**Dietary Fibre
<1.0 g
<1.0 g
Total Sodium
6 mg
12 mg
Average Values
Per 110ml
(6-12 Months)
Per 110ml
(13-36 Months)