Adventure Stories
The Buffalo Who Liked To Eat Alone

Bomani Buffalo loved his food. Everyday he would eat a small breakfast, a medium lunch, and a BIG dinner. Dinner was his favourite meal of the day!
He would arrive home after a long day of adventure with his friends and ask his mom “What’s for dinner, I’m

Bomani’s mom always had food ready to feed him. She would spend all afternoon preparing his favourite dishes: potatoes and gravy, carrots with cinnamon sprinkled over them, chicken stews with heaps of delicious vegetables and big bowls of fresh fruit for dessert.

Bomani would help himself, piling up as much food as he could on his plate and sneak away quicky to his room to eat his dinner alone. He thought that if he sat at the table with the rest of his family, he would be asked to share his food. He was always worried there wouldn’t be enough.

One day while walking home with his friend Leeto Lion from the watering hole, he was invited in by Leeto’s mom to join them for dinner. “Thank you” he said. “I’m STARVING!!”

He was asked to sit down at the table before they all began to eat. He looked at Leeto with big wide eyes. “Do you eat with your family around the table?” he asked.

“Yes” replied Leeto, “We like to eat our dinner together and talk about our day. We like to put all the food on the table and share it with each other”
When everyone was seated at the table Leeto’s mom said “Right everybody, tuck in!”