
5 ways to manage your toddler’s changing eating habits

As toddlers grow and develop, their eating habits evolve. For us parents, it can often be tricky to navigate through these changes and challenges, especially when it comes to mealtimes. Try these tips to ensure your toddler still receives the nutrition they need for healthy development. 

  1. Understand slower growth periods
    During the first year of your baby’s life they are growing and developing at a rapid rate. But during your toddler’s second year growth slows down a little which can often mean your child’s appetite decreases slightly and their food intake fluctuates. One evening they might wolf down their supper, then the next night they barely want to eat much at all. These changes are normal.
  2. Better snacking
    Toddlers often deviate from conventional meal patterns, preferring smaller, more frequent snacks to traditional sit-down meals. Offering nutritious snacks throughout the day helps sustain their energy levels and supports their active lifestyle. While this may result in smaller meal portions, providing a variety of healthy snack options during the day from all food groups ensures that your toddler’s nutritional needs are still being met. Squish has a range of healthy snack recipes for your little one to enjoy, like this protein-packed Beany Dip, these delicious fruity Bananasicles, and these Cream Cheese Roll-ups. Squish 100% Fruit and Veg Purees contain only fresh fruit and veg and have no added nasties like colourants, preservatives and flavourants, so you can rest easy, knowing your child is getting only natural goodness.
  3. Picky eating is ‘normal’
    Independence is a hallmark of toddlerhood, often manifesting as selective or outright refusal of certain foods. It’s important for you to recognise that rejection doesn’t necessarily indicate dislike. Offering previously declined foods on another occasion may yield different results. Patience and persistence, coupled with a diverse array of food choices, can help your toddler gradually expand their palate. If you’re worried that your child isn’t getting a balanced diet, try some of our sneaky veggie-loaded recipes, like this Cheesy Mixed Veg Scramble, these yummy Waffles, or this tasty Pasta Bake.
  4. Empower your child’s appetite control
    Encouraging a positive relationship with food involves respecting a child’s internal hunger and fullness cues. Pressuring your toddler to consume more than they want to eat can disrupt their innate ability to regulate food intake and may lead to unhealthy eating habits in the future. Notice the wholesome foods that they enjoy and encourage them to have a few more pieces or mouthfuls of it if you are concerned that they have not eaten enough. Transform it into a fun exercise with mommy or daddy where you both eat a few more pieces or mouthfuls to encourage participation from your toddler.
  5. Watch what they’re drinking
    It can be easy for toddlers to fill up on sugar-laden drinks, which means they’ll be less likely to say yes to healthy meals and snacks. Instead, offer toddlers water or a box of Squish 100% Fruit Juice. Squish juices are made using fruit and contain no added sugar – plus the 200ml size makes them the perfect portion for thirsty toddlers. Choose from Squish 100% Apple Juice, Apple + Grape Juice with Rooibos Extract, Pear + Prune Juice and Summer Berries.