Adventure Stories
Raimi Rhino’s Long Walk Home
They walked and walked, over a big hill and through the long long grass and soon they arrived at Loba Leopard’s Cave. Loba’s mom was cooking a big pot of vegetable stew.

“Would you like to stop for some lunch before you carry on?” She asked. “You have a long way to walk and you must be getting hungry.”
“No thank you” Raimi Rhino and Ekua Ellie replied “We don’t like vegetables!”

Leeto Leopard knew that vegetables were tasty and very good to eat and that if his friend’s tasted some, if they just tried it once, they would LOVE his mom’s vegetable stew.
But off went the last TWO friends on their way, back into the deep dark jungle. Raimi Rhino and Ekua Ellie talked for a little while, but soon they became tired. So tired that they couldn’t even talk.

Soon their walking slowed down, and by the time they reached the long path that would take them home, they both collapsed in a big heap.
“I’m so hungry! “ cried Ekua Ellie.

wailed Raimi Rhino, I’m so thirsty and hungry and tired, I can’t walk another step!”

They lay in the dirt and began to feel very sorry for themselves.
“We should have had the fresh fruit juice that Mrs Lion offered us and listened to Bomani Buffalo’s dad when he offered us a healthy snack!”