
Top tips to pack a healthy lunchbox for your child

Packing a nutritious lunchbox for your child is a vital part of ensuring they have the energy and focus they need to get them through their busy and active day. Here are some essential tips to help you pack a healthy lunchbox that your child will love:

Balance is key: Aim to include a variety of food groups in your child’s lunchbox. Incorporate whole grains like wholewheat bread or crackers, lean proteins such as chicken, and plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables. This balance ensures they receive a range of nutrients necessary for their growth and development. And don’t forget to pack a drink too – Squish 100% Fruit Juices are free of preservatives and have no added sugar. 

Get creative with fruits and veggies: Encouraging your child to eat more fruits and vegetables can sometimes be challenging. Try making it fun by cutting them into interesting shapes or arranging them in colourful patterns. Including convenient and nutritious options like Squish 100% Fruit and Yoghurt Purees can provide a hassle-free way to ensure they get their daily intake of fruits and vegetables. The pouches all come with a resealable lid and are available in a variety of flavours, including Summer Berries, Fruit Salad and Yogi Fruit Medley. Our Squish Junior range comes in larger 200ml pouches and includes Banana + Apple Fruity Smoothie and Apple, Guava + Yoghurt Yogi Smoothie. They’re free of nasties, which means they don’t have any colourants, preservatives and flavourants and have no added sugar or starch.

Limit processed foods and sugary snacks

Processed foods and sugary snacks might be convenient and easy, but they lack the nutrients growing bodies need. Limit the inclusion of items like chips, store-bought biscuits and sugary drinks in your child’s lunchbox. Instead, opt for homemade lunchbox snacks made with whole ingredients, like these Fruit Crunchies, Fruity Spice Loaf, Veggie-loaded Fritters, or Sweet Potato Rostis, and Squish 100% Fruit Juice – it isfree of preservatives and has no added sugar. 

Get freezing

Stock your freezer with ready-prepped grab-and-go snacks so that you’ve always got nutritious lunchbox fillers on hand. Little ones love these freezer-friendly veggie snacks, and they’re really quick and easy to make too: Veggie Burger Patties and Sweet Potato Pancakes.

Involve your child in the process

Engage your child in choosing what goes into their lunchbox. When little ones have a say in selecting their food, they’re more likely to eat it. Take them grocery shopping and let them pick out fruits, vegetables, or healthy snacks they enjoy. Involving them in meal prep, like assembling their sandwiches, baking muffins, or portioning out snacks, can also make them more excited about their lunches.